The Church of Perpetual Life

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04/06/2014 Dr. Aubrey de Grey on intervention and aging  From: 2:30pm To: 4:00pm
Dr. Aubrey de Grey, a world renowned biomedical gerontologist and Editor in Chief of Rejuvenation Research, the world's highest impact peer reviewed journal focused on intervention and aging will be the guest speaker.


The Church of Perpetual Life education programs are intended to enlighten parishioners and guests about novel longevity-enhancing technologies that have already evolved according to the Creator’s Plan, along with the Common Task of Humanity as elucidated by Prophet Nikolai Fedorov that envisions a time when society acknowledges it as possible, and therefore obligatory to direct energies now squandered on wars and relentless bickering towards the act of universal salvation for all.

This service is open to the public, and is completely nondenominational and nonjudgmental. Everyone is thus welcome to attend and discover cutting edge evidence of the Creator’s Plan for universal salvation here on earth. Please do RSVP so we will be prepared for you.

For families with children, the church will have an experienced adult to provide child care services for the evening and there is also a sound proof "baby/children room" with a window to view the services for your added convenience.

After the service we will have a meet and greet where we can all discuss topics of the service and news on radical healthy life extension. 

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